Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mother's Day Shop Hop May 4th - 10th

5 4 shop-hop-lg MMP Shop Hops are a type of contest where you try to find as many MMP “shopping bags” as you can. Each of our participating boutiques (see the list below) has hidden a shopping bag image on its website that says, “You Found It!” on the tag (see image to the left). Click that image to return to Make Mine Pink and get credit for finding it. The more bags you find, the better your chances of winning great prizes. See the prize list below to see what you can win!

Anyone (excluding MMP members and employees) can register to play. There is no cost and no obligation to purchase anything. However, if you do happen to find some products you might be interested in, don't forget to bookmark those pages so that you can come back later! Good luck!


Here is a list of all of the participating websites. See how many shopping bags you can find. Good luck!

1 comment:

sarah said...

any hints as to where it is on your site? ;-)