Sunday, March 11, 2012

Talk of the Neighborhood…….


The neighbors two house up from us had this Horse Statue installed this weekend, it is beautiful but lets say it was the talk of the neighborhood this weekend, it is HUGE but heck if they like it that is the main thing!! 

DSC06794 We have quite a few of these Lizards in the backyard, they love to to sit on the concrete wall and soak up the sun, they are totally harmless but it took some time get used to them…….. Picked up some flowers and planted in the planter leading up to the front door, pulled up what we had before a while ago………it looks so pretty now, just hope the flowers will last for awhile!

pageDSC06787The furry babies could care less about the Garden Statue or new flowers, the did what the do best, relaxed!!!DSC06791

Have a great week!!

ooxoxoxo, Helene

Sunday, March 4, 2012

19 years and counting……


3 Mars hade vi bott här i California i 19 år, kan ni förstå ?!! Kan inte fatta vad tiden har tagit vägen, på ett sätt känns det som att det var igår vi flyttade hit och på ett sätt känns det som att vi alltid har bott här ;o) ………… Folk hemma i Sverige hade mycket åsikter när vi flyttade till US och undrade hur vi kunde flytta hit och lämna Sverige med alla sociala förmåner mm, nu när man läser/ser nyheter från SVerige blir man nästan mörkrädd….mycket har ändrat på sig sedan vi flyttade hit, det är säkert!!


March 3rd, had we lived here in California for 19 years, can you believe that?! Can not believe there the time has gone, in a way it feels like it was yesterday we moved here and in a way it feels like we have always lived here; o) ............ People in Sweden had a lot of opinions when we moved here and was wondering how we could move to US and leave Sweden with all social benefits, etc., now when you read / see news from Sweden you get afraid.... a lot has changed on since we moved here, that's for sure!

Have a great week!!!

oxoxoxo, Helene